education awards
The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards program and Ginny Cooper Live Your Dream Award are unique education grants for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. These awards give women who have overcome incredible adversity cash grants so they can achieve their education and career goals while being present for their children.

three levels of awards
Each year, we select one woman or more to receive a local-level Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women grant in an amount up to $5,000. She is then eligible for regional and federation level grants which could add up to $16,000 in cash to offset educational costs such as tuition, books, childcare or transportation.
Ready to change your life? Apply!
Check all the eligibility and selection criteria online now. Prepare with videos that take you through each step of the application process.
Apply online from August 15 to November 15. Be sure to select our club: Soroptimist International of Indian Rock, Inc.

education transforms
Education holds the power to transform women’s lives, families and whole communities. 79% of Live Your Dream Awards recipients enter helping professions, such as nursing, legal and social work, with the intention of helping others improve their lives. When women help women the benefits are paid forward and positive changes ripple through communities.
Live Your Dream Awards recipients dream of having
a beneficial impact on the lives of others

-- Shannon

-- Jennifer

-- Jessica
empower women and girls
Helping them achieve their goals can change their lives.
Investing in their dreams can change our world.